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Jaz talks about "Hatred"

"So metal...."

Hey there y'all its Jaz, yes the guy from the rants and the barking guy from CP Time. Anyways, as you might of heard there is a new controversial game on the rise, called Hatred. The game Hatred is being produced by a company called Destructive Creations. The game in a nutshell is a shooter presented in an isometric perspective, where the main character to who basically hates this world and all the inhabitants embarks on a genocidal quest to kill as many as he can before his own demise. The game is ran on the Unreal 4 game engine. At the request for obvious reasons, Epic Games (Unreal Developer) had the logo removed from the trailer to not be mistaken for being associated with the game.It's only going to be released on windows possibly steam if it is allowed( yeah, good luck with that).

So my thoughts on this game? We'll for starters it looks incredibly simple minded a dumb, the whole point is to just go around and kill. It will get boring eventually if that is literally all you do, and well usually I go for a game that has more structure to it than that. I like something that pulls me into that world and makes me want to dive more into the story as I play it. Now, while this game just seems like something a disturbed child that is one day of bullying away from shooting up his school would come up with. It like other games has a right to exist, there are many fucked up games out there that you don't even know about. I mean we all play violent as hell video games. Okay your argument to Hatred when compared to GTA both which you can kill innocents is that while both have the capacity to kill, you can stick to the higher road and just stick to the missions on GTA and not go on a killing spree in GTA, which lets be real....we all tried to see how many stars we could get using cheat codes and shooting down helicopters with our rocket launcher we obtain by punching in the right buttons. I hate to break it to some of you babies but Hatred is just applying the capacity to do that to its core element of gameplay. Now by any means I am not defending this game, to put it lightly it just seems painfully simple. I already know that there is going to be something in the news about this game where some disturbed kid shoots the neighborhood and will use this game as a scapegoat and gaming is going to take another huge hit in the media. You wanna know something though, if the game bothers you that much, nobody is forcing you to play the game, just like nobody forced you to watch the trailer. In reality, we are doing what the developer wants us to do, we are spreading this game around like wildfire for example. You are sitting on Twitter going "Oh man...Hatred is such a horrible game wtf why is this even going to be a thing #hatred." I want to smack you a little because guess what, you just informed 1000 or so people about the existence of this game doing what the developer wants, spiking controversy and getting people talking about it and researching the game. You in turn just created a possible new fan  for the game and didn't even know. Oh I already know that by me making the article I'm doing the same thing and this will probably have someone go right from my article to watch the trailer. I am completely acknowledging that I am. However, I'm just doing what we do at Blerds write articles about stuff going on in the Blerd community and this is no different, but I'm not going to stay talking about this game steadily like some people.

So, in conclusion, This game is going to exist whether you lose sleep over it or not. There is always going to be games that spike controversy one way or another. We make things relevant by how much we talk about it good or bad. So if you are all really against it or hate...Hatred (lol) that much, then just ignore it so it fades into obscurity although it might be a little late for that, but hey you don't gotta hear or see anything about this game if you really don't want to, its your choice. Now if you'll excuse me I'm about to take down these police cars with my rocket launcher, ahhh just another day in San Andreas.

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