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Best and Worst of CP Time

Well, there's no new episode of CP Time this week. You can't really complain. We've given you 25 weeks of pure comedy fire. But, just in case you're new and didn't want to catch up I've compiled a list of some of best moments. You can enjoy these while we're gone for however long that may be. Consider it the first season ending on a cliffhanger.

Episode #3.5 - Would You Rather

This was a special episode and the first time we went past 30 minutes. It's also the episode when people started to tune in because they realized there was absolutely nothing off limits for us. In this episode we talked about sex with our parents, sex with goats and a lot of anal penetration. Our regular episodes are dirty but this is just disgusting filth and if you can't make it through this CP Time isn't the podcast for you.


Episode #7 - Highcast - Storycast

This is Darrell's favorite episode. He was pretty high on cough syrup. He wasn't sipping the drank. He rambled on and told some stories he probably shouldn't have. As the show went on he got more incoherent. This show also explains the brick jokes and the juggalo jokes.


Episode #8 - The Super Secret Jethro Episode

This episode explains the character Jethro. If you listen to the podcast on or Stitcher you've heard this episode. If you listen on iTunes you've never heard it because iTunes refuses to add it to the catalog for some reason.


Episode #9 - CPowerbomb

We actually had guest once. Taiwan and Dom from Powerbomb Jutsu showed up to talk about something besides wrestling an anime. I included this episode because we still get a lot of questions about eating period blood, that wasn't us. That was Taiwan. Dom also got kicked in the chest by a guy on a bike and didn't do anything CUS HE GOT KICKED IN HIS CHEST


 Episode #11 - Slandercast

Jordan's favorite episode. We got jokes. You'd think we hate each other after this episode. It just meant we ran out of jokes for a while. I mean there was slander everywhere.


The Trilogy of Questions, Slander and Answers

So we opened up an ask account to accept questions for a show and we got a lot of slander too. This went on for three episodes and if we ever do it again we'll need at least a hundred subscribers and a sponsor because that was tiring.

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Well those are some of our best episodes. We took the week off but come back next week and we'll be back with more comedy gold. Remember to spread the word. Also like the Blerds Online Facebook and subscribe to the YouTube account. As for CP Time we're on iTunes and Stitcher. 

Host Twitter: @OriginalKingD @MrJTrip @Jazputin @CPTIMEPODCAST
Show email:
Darrell S.

Hey, I write stuff, a lot of different stuff, that's all.

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