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I HATE Korean Music Fans

I Love Korean music with all my heart just as much as I love Japanese music. But there is one thing that I can not stand about Korean music and that is the Korean fans. You people are pieces of shit. You cheer on and buy your favorite artists' music but as soon as something happens in the personal life of the artist you go crazy. For instance with Girl Generation's Taeyeon dating EXO's Baekhyun. I think its nice for two pop starts to date each other but crazy Korean fans think other wise. Either you hate Taeyeon or Baekhyun now and it is pointless. This couple does not know any of you exist but you take time to ruin their lives. Poor Taeyeon is crying in front of fans because she decided to have a normal life and date someone. I can understand being jealous because she love a star but to make them cry and regret what they've done (which is perfectly normal)is just wrong. They've done nothing but give you fans great music, concerts and love but you decide to throw it away because they wanted to have a close companion. Fuck you Korean fans. I hope Taeyeon curse you out even though we know that won't happen because South Korea is soft as hell. Fuck every last one of you Korean fans. I hope you find this blog post and translate it into Korean and feel shitty for how shitty you actually are. I hope you bitches die alone. P.S. I hate EXO and their fans. Fuck you. I hope Taeyeon and Baekhyun are ok. on Taeyeon crying in airport

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