"In brightest day, in blackest night, No evil shall escape my sight.
Let those who worship evil's might, beware my power
John Stewart
When Guy Gardner was seriously injured, Detroit architect, and former marine, John Stewart was chosen to be Hal Jordan's new back up. Hal should have picked a better back up because John actually became way more popular than him. Hal Jordan didn't like John from the start. Unlike Hal, John wasn't afraid to question authority and do things his own way. Hal actually tried to get the guardians to take away John's ring and select another. However they refused to back down. Hal began John's training. During the training John pissed off Hal again. He threw away the mask stating "This black man has nothing to hide, I let it all hang out."
Eventually John finished his training and went on his first mission with Hal Jordan, have I mentioned Hal doesn't like John? John's first mission with Hal was to protect a racist asshole politician. John took the first opportunity to embarrass the politician, but it's okay, he saved his life too, even though he was a racist asshole who didn't even thank John. Hal didn't like the fact that he embarrassed him in the act and tried to scold John. John is a grown man and Hal didn't realize that. This was the second time he tried to have the guardians strip John of his ring.
Soon the politician was attacked by a shooter. John didn't even move to help Hal stop the shooter. When Hal Jordan caught up to him he tried to argue with John, but John explained how dumb Hal was. John explained the whole event was nothing but a scam by the politician to gain popularity. Hal had also been chasing a fake shooter while John stopped the real shooter from killing a police officer in the parking lot. Hal shut up and stopped complaining about John at that point.
When the Gods of Apokolips and New Genesis planned to take over the universe John was called to help fend off the threat. Four version of the anti-life equation were going to destroy four different planets. John and Martian Manhunter worked together in an attempt to save the planet Xanshi. However they failed to stop it in time. John blamed himself for this and almost attempted suicide for his actions. But Martian Manhunter let him know it wasn't just his fault. They weren't warned in time to create a reasonable plan and Martian Manhunter was there as well so it was equally his fault.
John eventually continued filling in for Hal including with the Justice League. Eventually Hal gave up his ring for love and the guardians selected John for full time duty. John continued for a few years and even got married to Katma Tui, another Green Lantern. Yes, John married an alien, how's that for interracial relationships?
However she was killed in action sadly. After that John took a break before returning to the administrator for the Mosaic World. The Mosaic World was a planet that was filled with cities from random alien planets that was brought to Oa by a crazy guardian in the past. John eventually managed to become a guardian himself and began helping to solve the issue once and for all. Hal Jordan had been possessed by Parallax and destroyed the corps. Becoming human again John Joined the Darkstars. During his time he recruited lots of old Green Lanterns to join the team as the new guardians of the universe. During a battle with a woman called Fatality John was paralyzed from the waist down and returned to Earth after quitting the team. When Kyle absorbed the power of ION he was able to free the energy blockage that was preventing John from walking. However John still couldn't walk. After seeing a psychiatrist John learned he was mentally stopping himself from walking. He blamed himself for Xanshi still, as well as the car accident that killed his sister when they were younger. After he could walk again Kyle left him a note asking him to takeover for him while he left Earth to go soul searching. John was sent on a mission with several other Lanterns to the Vega System. There they would meet Larfleeze, the orange lantern. However they were ambushed. John watched as other lanterns died. However a star sapphire named Fatility arrived to save them. She was a survivor of Xanshi and told him to stop blaming himself and the survivors had forgiven him long ago seeing that he did all he could.
[Trivia: This was the highest selling Green Lantern story ever at the time and John was even ranked higher than Jordan by the guardians, despite strong sells DC cancelled the series claiming "It doesn't fit our current direction" Fuck your direction, it was one of the highest selling comics at the time, higher than anything Hal had ever did and you demoted John to a secondary character for it. This forced the story to be rushed through in a year, although rushed it maintained high sales throughout. His writer Gerard Jones even called it a racist move, and he's a pasty white guy. Needless to say he spoke out about it and got put on the shelf for a while. However John's popularity did land him a role on TV in multiple series. Gerard Jones also got taken off the shelf but he's still waiting for an apology in 2014]
John returned to Earth again, this time joining the Justice League of America. Although he was JLA member he was back up to Kyle Rayner, and somewhat of a mentor as well. That's cool, Kyle is my second favorite Green Lantern. Anyway after Hal Jordan was freed from Parallax and took over for Kyle, John got passed over again. They were still mad he didn't want to be a guardian. However once each sector was left to two Green Lanterns John became the second Lantern. When the Justice League was disbanded John did his best to make sure everyone stayed in contact.
During the Sinestro Corps War John was on Oa with Hal, Kyle and Guy being briefed on the war when Kyle gets abducted by a yellow power ring. At that moment hundreds of Sinestro Corps members flood the area killing a great number of Green Lanterns. John, Hal and Earth's heroes were able to protect Coast City after Oa was destroyed and thousands of Lanterns died, sadly Guy was just injured. After the war they learned that there will be plenty of secrets revealed about the corps soon. And the Black Lanterns were on the way.
John was later attacked by the alien Konvikt. John had Konvikt down for the count. Then John suddenly froze and began speaking in binary code. At that moment weapons spring from his body. Not his ring, guns and knives began flying out of his body. John began trying to figure out what the hell was going on. He manages to control it, but at other times it's out of his control. It turns out John was being controlled by the Void Hunter weapon but John kept it from from forcing him to kill anyone. Once Krona was defeated John was back to normal.
After a battle between JLA and the Shadow Cabinet(R.I.P. Dwayne McDuffie) many of the JLA members quit the team but John stayed. John convinces Hardware to help him track down the Shadow Thief. The JLA arrives in the Himalayas but Icon is already in battle with Starbreaker and needs no help. Afterwards John takes a leave to visit Xanshi, they really did forgive him. Knowing this John regained his confidence and stepped his game back up.
On the anniversary of Supermans death John was alongside other heroes. After the celebrations were over John left to return to rebuilding Xanshi. While helping rebuild millions of black power rings fell from the sky and resurrected every person that died when John failed to save Xanshi the first time. He left the planet to inform others of the strange occurrence.
A voice told John that it could tell him how to save all of those innocent souls he failed to protect. John went back to Xanshi expecting to revive all those he still felt guilt for. John was however ambushed by Katma Tui and millions of Black Lanterns. Forcing John to relive his failure of saving the planet.
John was able to fight his guilt finally remembering that he had been forgiven. John managed to fight his way off the planet. However at this point he was being chased, not just by Black Lanterns from Xanshi, but all over the universe.
After the defeat of the black lanterns at the hand of Entity and the White Lantern Corps, John returned to Oa to rebuild, because he's an architect first, Green lantern second. Krona attacked Oa using the emotional entities and reinstalled Parallax into the Central Power Battery. This allowed Krona to control most of the GLCorps since Parallax reactivated it's yellow power weakness.
John and Kyle were able to take off their rings before being controlled. However this left the two of them powerless against the entire GLCorps. They hid in the tunnels where they met Hal and Guy who had also gotten rid of their rings and hidden hours ago. Hal suggested they use the rings from other corps he had taken from the leaders. John became the Indigo Lantern of Compassion. Kyle became the Blue Lantern of Hope. Guy became the Red Lantern of Rage. Hal became the Yellow Ranger of Fear
Hal had planned for them to go right for Parallax although he was controlling the entire GLCorp because that's logical. John pointed out the obvious fact that Mogo, the planet Lantern, was circling Oa. Not liking the idea of stopping the giant planet with a power ring, Hal and Guy rushed off to fight Parallax. However Kyle agreed with John and they went after Mogo.
Kyle was unable to free Mogo because power left over from the Black Lanterns was protecting him. Mogo was charging up for a blast against Oa, so John made a tough decision. He used the power of his purple ring to channel the Black Lantern energy to make it strong enough to destroy Mogo. Kyle was shocked and tried to put Mogo back together. John didn't kill Mogo, Mogo killed Mogo. The shockwave managed to paralyze Krona and the GLCorps long enough for all four to make it to the Central Power Battery.
The group was unable to break the battery open until Guy was able to use both the red power ring and the purple power ring at the same time, increasing the power of rage by feeling love at the same time. I wonder who Guy loves so much that he hates them. Anyway with Parallax free the Lanterns were no longer under the control of Krona. The entire GLCorps easily defeated Krona. However Hal was expelled for saving power rings instead of destroying them and Kyle left because he was disgusted that John killed Mogo, but he saved all of the Green Lanterns.
Anyway John was teamed with Guy Gardner to investigate attacks in deep space. It turns out the attacks had been coming from an ancient guardian experiment. One lantern was captured and tortured. He began to revel the codes to shut down the Oan defense network that protected the galaxy. It was Guy's plan to kill him but John acted first stating Guy shouldn't have it on his conscious since John had already killed millions he acted first and killed the Lantern.
John is arrested by the Alpha Lanterns. He is found guilty of murder in his trial and is sentenced to death. 12 hours before his execution the wall breaks down. It's Guy Gardner doing something right. Guy had declared war on the Alpha Lanterns. Guy brought John a ring. Along with Guy was Killowog, Isamot Kol, Salaak and a few other Lantarns. The Alpha Lanterns were moved by the actions of a few to kill themselves. They saw that they weren't driven by good, they were driven by punishment. Their only motive was to punish others, so they killed themselves and everyone went home. The guardians later call John and tell him that Mogo is reforming. John heads out to track Mogo and that's as up to date as I am.
Abilities and Equipment
- Green Lantern Ring
- Solid constructs
- John actually has the strongest constructs, being an architect he builds his from the inside out. Where other Lanterns' have hollow constructs Johns are solid and never hollow. This causes him to use more power but it also makes his constructs more powerful than any other Lanterns.
- Communicator
- Flight
- Increased Intelligence
- The ring allows all Green Lanterns to access the library of Oa subconsciously, allowing knowledge of other planets, languages etc.
- Invisibility
- Matter Manipulation
- Phasing
- Power Absorption
- Mind Probing
- Ring Duplication
- Temperature Control
- Transformation
- Time Travel
- Worm Holes
- Healing
- Pocket Dimensions
- Burglar Alarm
- Mind Control
- Mirages
- Energy Projection
- Force Fields
- Beams
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