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Black Superhero: Jax Briggs

Jax Briggs

Did you know Kano used to be a snitch informant? When Jax began his career in the US Special Forces he was tasked with taking down the Black Dragons (ironic). His informant was Kano who would lead him to warehouses to break up illegal deals or seize goods. Eventually Kano betrayed Jax which led to a large amount of his team members ending up injured, permanently disabled or in the case of most, dead. In their next meeting Jax managed to crush Kano's eye and place several Black Dragons in prison. However Kano managed to help the Black Dragons escape while they were being transported.

Kano went on to organize several other hit and run attacks killing other Special Forces officers. Jax realized that Kano was a menace and he would need extra power to stop him. This is when Jax first strapped on his iconic arms. The first set were actually just prototypes and not attached to Jax. Meaning he still had his real arms underneath them. Jax easily defeated Kano's followers until the trail went cold. Eventually he picked up the trail and learned that Kano had gone to Outworld.

Kano was planning to use the ancient artifact Eye of Chitian to increase the power of the Black Dragons even more. Jax beat Kano even worse this time. Last time he took Kano's eye this time he caused so many facial fractures that Kano was forced to wear the now iconic face plate. Jax then dragged Kano back to the United States to face trial. Kano would later escape and join the Mortal Kombat tournament and fight agianst Jax partner Sonya.

Jax went looking for Sonya and found Johnny Cage. Jax interrogates Johnny for several hours. Johnny explained the Mortal Kombat tournament and Jax just assumed he was a nutjob. However Sonya sent him a video from Outworld about being forced to work with Kano to escape. Jax apologized to Johnny and helped him defeat an assassin. (Who wants to kill Johnny? Not our problem) Jax headed to Outworld to rescue Sonya and kill Kano. Jax participated in the Mortal Kombat tournament and participated on Raiden's team.

After Shao Khan was beaten Jax arrested Kano again. Kano escaped again but Jax wasn't concerned. Jax could get Kano whenever. He was however having a hard time explaining what happened to his superiors. They didn't believe him so he started stockpiling weapons and hiding them like a crazy man.

Raiden called on Jax to help during the invasion of Outworld. Jax got rid of his real arms and upgraded to a set of stronger and more dangerous robotic arms. Beginning his turn into an android. Which is important for later. Jax managed to finally find Sonya. However they're trapped in Outworld because all of the portals have been destroyed. Jax decides to start the Outworld Investigation Agency because forget home.

The special forces ran in to trouble when Sonya went missing again. Sonya is the most badass clueless white woman trope since Wonder Woman. She's always lost. Anyway, Jax manages to finish of the Black Dragons and contact Raiden. He learns Sonya is in a battle with the former God Shinook. Jax manages to rescue Sonya. In the process they find Cyrax trapped in the dessert.

They take him back and remove the programming from his brain. Back to himself Cyrax is feeling depressed because he doesn't feel like he's a real man because of all the robotic parts. Jax told him that he was still a human and pointed out his robotic arms. Cyrax credited Jax with saving his soul and the Outworld Investigation Agency, quickly becoming one of the top agents.

Years later Jax recruited Kenshi the blind swordsman into the agency. The agency was also operating from Earth since the portals had been restored. Kenshi was out to find Cyrax who was missing. This is odd because it's usually Sonya. She's been missing for 3 games and 2 comic books at this point. Cyrax was just trapped in Outworld because his portal device was damaged. The team went to retrieve him but their based was nuked while they were gone.

Jax hunted down Hsu Hao. Then he calmly ripped out his heart. Jax and the rest of Earthrealms warriors attempted to make a final stand against The Deadly Alliance. Jax, Sonya, Kung Lao, Kitana and Johnny Cage all ended up dead. But it wasn't for lack of trying. They were all revived and forced to serve Onga as slaves before being freed by Liu Kang and Ermac.

Special Moves and Abilities
(no superpowers, just awesome)

  • Energy Wave: Jax fires a sonic powered wave at his opponent
  • Assualt Wave: The upgrade to Energy Wave that does more damage to Jax's opponent.
  • Ground Pound: One of Jax's most memorable moves where he punches the ground to disorient his opponent.
  • Ground Quake: The upgrade to the Ground Pound where Jax's punch launches his opponent into the air.
  • Gotcha Grab: Jax proceeds to grab his opponent and lift them up by their next and then punches them in the face repeatedly
  • Gotcha Beatdown: The upgrade to Gotcha Grab where Jax adds even more punches to his opponents face.
  • Air Gotcha Grab: Jax's airborne version of the Gotcha Grab.
  • Air Gotcha Blast: The upgrade to Air Gotcha Grab
  • Dash Punch: Jax dashes in front of his opponent and punches them in the face.
  • Dash Fist: The upgrade to Dash Punch where Jax grabs hthe opponent by the face after the punch connects and slams them into the ground.
  • Missile: Jax fires a missile from his bionic arms
  • Double Missile: The upgrade where Jax fires a missile from each arm for double damage
  • Piston Punch: Jax uses the pistons in his arms to puch his opponent in rapid succession
  • Machine Gun: Jax equips his machine gun and fires a volley of rounds into his opponent. The gun appears to be a Thompson Sub-machine gun in MK:A and an Uzi in MK vs DCU
  • Back Breaker: Jax grabs his opponent midair and slams them into the ground trying to break their spine.
  • Plasma Ball: Jax fires a purple plasma ball from his bionic arms.
  • Blinding Light: Jax slams his arms together and causes a blinding flash similar to a flash-bang grenade.
  • Overhead Smash: Jax jumps into the air and slams his elbow into his opponents head.
  • Elite Smash: The upgrade to Overhead Smash where Jax grabs his opponent after elbowing them into an inverted piledriver.
  • X-Ray Move - Briggs Bash: Jax throws the opponent into the air and brings them down on his knee breaking their lower torso, spine, stomach, and legs. He then tosses them again and brings them down over his shoulders breaking their ribcage, skull, and upper spine.
  • Fatalities
  • Head Clap: Jax claps his hands over his opponents head so hard he crushes their head.
  • Arm Rip: Jax proceeds to rip the arms off his opponent.
  • Super Quad Slam: Jax repeatedly slams into his opponent until they explode.
  • Big Foot: Jax grows to a huge size and simply steps on his opponent.
  • Slice'em Up: Jax molds his bionic arms into swords and chops his opponent into little bits of gore.
  • Foot Decap: Jax knocks his opponent over and jumps on their head decapitating them.
  • Air Machine Gun: Jax knocks his opponent into the air and fires his machine gun into their stomachs while they are in midair.
  • Smash and Grab: Jax combines his first two fatalities where he claps their head off first then rips offf the opponents arms.
  • Three Points: Jax bashes his opponent into the ground with three overhead strikes then kicks them in the face to daze them. He then kicks again this time punting their head off like a football.
You can hear Darrell on the CP Time and Powerbomb Jutsu podcasts. He also plays classic arcade games on The Cabinet

Darrell S.

Hey, I write stuff, a lot of different stuff, that's all.

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