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Black Superheroes: Prodigy, Angel III, Tag, Bling, and Darwin

I am not Charles Xavier, but I have assembled a team of mutants. These are African Americans who have joined the X-Men that are not named Storm or Bishop. Seriously this is all of the others. Some how I expected more. I did choose Prodigy as team leader. I expected a larger pool to pick from but there were only seven so. Congrats you all made it by default.



David Allyne was always a gifted child but he soon learned why. He was a mutant, he figured this out by himself. He realized all the answers would just appear to him when taking exams in college. He learned he was copying what his teachers knew.  As he grew older he learned to retain this knowledge and not just copy it, making him one of the smartest men in the Marvel Universe.

After being attacked by mutant haters, he moved to Xavier's school where he was placed as leader of the New Mutants. After House of M David was temporarily depowerd but showed great skill in heavy artillery and assault rifles. He maintained his role as leader because of his strategic ability. He later regains his powers.


  • Retained Knowledge of every being he's ever met.
  • Proficient with Assault Rifles and Heavy Artillery.

Angel III / Tempest

Angle Salvadore was captured by mutant organ harvesters. Wolverine later stumbled upon the group and freed Angel and the other hostages in the process. Angel was a run away and the big tough guy Wolverine had a soft spot so he took her to the institute. She was placed in the "Special" class. Only because Emma Frost thought her attitude and personality would clash with the team.

Angel get's pregnant by Beak(Chicken Boy). Here's the crazy part. Her powers are derived from flys. So she laid eggs and had many children who looked human with fly wings covered in chicken feathers. Angel was briefly mind controlled by Magneto and retired from the hero business but eventually returned to help Beast train new students. Eventually she undergoes modifications to her arms allowing her to generate fire from one & ice from the other during M-Day. Her powers eventually returned making him an even tougher threat.


  • Flight
  • Acid Spit
  • Super Sonic Buzz
  • Fire & Ice Generation


Not much is known about Brian Cruz. He was recruited by Emma Frost and was given the codename tag by his friends at the academy. Tag is well liked by his teammates and keeps a cool head.


  • Tagging: Tags a person with a psionic wave that causes all people to either flock to them or run from them.
  • Hand to Hand Combat


Roxy Washington is the daughter of  two celebrities, Daddy Libido and Sexy Mutha, yes they are both rappers. Marvel did it again with the stereotypes. She didn't want to follow in her parent's footsteps at all so when Professor Gambit recruited her she jumped at the chance. Bling has not been a member long. She has been shown to be distracted at times and is in love with both Gambit and Rogue.


  • Superhuman durability
  • Diamond Form
  • Ability to shoot diamonds from her body


Armondo Munoz had a shitty life before the institute, can you blame him for never wanting to leave? After birth his mother hated him. His mutant abilities were active from birth so it mad raising him difficult. She simply gave him away to some scientists who experimented on him before he was rescued years later by the X-Men


  • Reactive Evolution: Darwin adapts to any situation examples
    • Gills when he almost drowned
    • No longer needing to breathe oxygen when shot into space
    • Turned into energy instead of dying
    • Absorbing Hulks Gamma Radiation
    • Teleportation
    • Wings
    • Regenerating his entire body from nothing 

That's the whole team. Honorable mention to Spyke from X-Men Evolution, who recently made his comic book debut, and Maggot who was on the team for a few days.

Sorry this was a short one, it's been a long day


Darrell S.

Hey, I write stuff, a lot of different stuff, that's all.

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