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The Flash - Season Two Finale Predictions

The Flash - Season Two Finale Predictions

SO I wanted to put my 1.7 cents (adjusted for Cessflation) in about what I think is going to happen in the second season finale of The Flash. Which is the following:
Barry & Iris: We’ll probably get no scientific explanation as to how fast Barry is now or what his new connection to the Speed Force is. Unfortunately. And we’ll probably never see Iris doing her job again.
In terms of them as a couple, my first prediction came true: that they’d officially become a couple. Since that has just happened, I’m now feeling like something bad is going to happen to Iris. Just because, today’s writers don’t like to get couples together too early in the series. In the comics, Barry and Iris, once they got together, shared a lifetime of love, as did all the Flashes that got married. The Flash family is probably thee most stable family in comics when it comes to marriage.
            So that’s almost a guarantee then that they’re going to do something awful to Iris. More on that later.
Zoom: He’s been a generally disappointing villain for a variety of reasons.
§  Teddy Sears has too much of a baby face to feel menacing
§  Tony Todd’s voice doesn’t match Teddy’s face
§  His motives (if you can call them that) are beyond inconsistent
§  Not enough true displays of his power
§  No real explanation as to why V9 doesn’t de-rezz him
§  He went from a sociopath to a psychopath to…someone that loves Caitlin?
§  Any villain with HALF a brain would’ve killed all of Team Flash right after stealing Barry’s speed
So, I just don’t get what he wants from episode to episode. My prediction is that Barry will not beat him. Zoom will somehow beat himself in some lame kind of way.
Cisco: This one’s pretty easy. He’s going to increase his power and skill levels, while still wondering if he’s going to the dark side.
Jesse: She’s already Jesse Quick. We’ve just got to see how the combination of the V9 blood transfusion, the Speed Force wave of Barry’s, and Barry’s transferring speed into her affects her.
 Wally: Same deal. He’s Kid Flash. We just have to see how soon his hand starts trembling and he starts zipping around. I personally feel like it’s way too soon in the series for both Jesse AND Wally, so here’s hoping that both of the youngsters go to either another city or Earth 2 to become the speedsters they’re fated to be.
Caitlin: I think that one of the last shots will be Caitlin slowly staring at one of her hands as it starts to freeze up. Maybe Zoom phasing through her triggered something when she was on Earth 2. I also think she will side with Zoom just to fake him out and double cross him at the last minute. That will probably be what defeats him, not CareBear.
Wells: Here’s the big kahuna. I think that Reverse Flash AKA Thawne/Wells, is now alive in this timeline. I think that Barry’s trip back tipped him off, and it will be revealed that he only pretended to de-rezz after Eddie shot himself. I think the last shot of the season will be Reverse Flash’s red eyes showing and that wicked awesome sound effect of his.
            Bonus points if it turns out that Earth 2 Wells? Has been Thawne all along.
And what I really want to see? IS THAWNE'S WORLD. And I don't believe I'm alone in that.
            The Man in the Iron Mask: Okay kids, there’s only two people this could be: Henry Allen of Earth 2, which will turn out to be a member of the Garrick family (like maybe he’s the real Jay), or Eddie Thawne. Both will be equally tragic. And both will somehow be related to Hunter/Jay/Zoom. Like, his dad will be Henry Allen making him Barry’s brother in a sense, or Eddie will be revealed to be Cobalt Blue, who is actually Barry’s twin brother.
            Bonus points if Thawne has been working with Zoom all along to keep Eddie alive and captive with his face hidden so that he can’t kill himself again to stop Thawne from existing.
            Which brings us back to:
            Iris: In the comics, at some point, Reverse Flash not only killed Barry’s mom, he killed Iris too. Then Barry killed him right back. Then got arrested. Then Iris was alive in the future. It’s complicated. I think that either Zoom or Thawne will take Iris somewhere in the timestream, and part of Season Three is going to be dedicated to Barry finding out where she is. Since they’re all connected and anchor-y now.
            If that storyline doesn’t happen, then I can almost guarantee there will be a love triangle between the newly minted Barry and Iris show, and the revealed-I’m-still-alive-and-guess-what-I’m-also-your-brother Eddie Allen Thawne.
            What would happen if I wrote this show: First of all, for Season Three, we’d have just one main villain, Savitar. I freaking love Savitar. He’s perfectly created and written. After receiving his speed he began to worship it, study it, master it, know it inside and out. His motives are also always clear: he believes every other speedster to be an infidel. They are all unworthy of the Speed Force’s gifts, according to Savitar. So he sets about trying to collect and harness all the speed for himself. He also knew how to use speed in ways that Barry (Wally in the comics) hadn’t experienced yet. And it took the whole Flash Family to beat him.
            Second of all, this fake Jay Garrick/Zoom thing has disappointed me so, until I would give BearSkin a real mentor. An actual mentor. And it would be Max Mercury. Because for the life of me I don’t understand why these writers don’t get that we want to see Barry train and get better. Everybody LOVES those sequences on Dagobah with Luke and Yoda. Max Mercury would help transform Barry into the Flash that we know and love. A true master of speed.
            I would bring back Barry’s forensic specialties. It was so cool watching him in the pilot suss out the specifics of any crime scene.
            In terms of a love interest? I don’t care who doesn’t like it, I would have Caitlin speak up. Once Iris gets torn between Barry and Eddie (and she will, it’s the CW) I would have Caitlin begin to make it clear to Barry that just because he rejected her, it doesn’t mean she stopped having feelings for him. Because it’s been proven since the beginning that she does. I would have them fully become a couple instead of what’s going to happen, the CW way: Iris will go back to Eddie, have sex with him, Barry will just cry and wait for her anyway, and take her back as soon as she’s done screwing Eddie. Just go away.
          I’d have Barry move on with Caitlin, and have them be happy all season. Then something would happen. Like, Savitar would appear to kill Barry and Caitlin just snaps. And I mean she’d snap all the way, and both her metahuman powers and dark side would simultaneously manifest, and our sweet Caity Cait would become the full-fledged Killer Frost.
            I’d send both Jesse and Wally away, at least for the time being. Too many speedsters. I’d bring them all back, plus the real Jay Garrick, for the Season Three finale showdown, Barry vs. Savitar.
And Joe West? Would never die. He’d be on this show until the very end. I’m sick of all the great characters portrayed by the best actors dying.
            But hey! That’s just my 1.7 cents.


  1. I don't think my heart would take Wells/Reverse Flash saving Eddie Thawne for later BUT it's a great twist and it would bring Iris' boo back to stir things up. I like it. I want to see Cisco with someone tho'. His romance the highlight for a change. About Savitar, wouldn't that be too much of a retread of Zoom's arc this season? Then on the other hand, it would galvanize Barry to get better.

    1. 1) About Eddie, it would have incredible emotional impact which is what they're going for with that whole hidden identity in the mask thing. But now it's almost certainly going to be some form of a Garrick with Henry Allen's face.
      2) Yeah if Eddie comes back, instant triangle, boom. That's the CW way.
      3) Never thought about Cisco with a love interest.
      4) Depends on if they write Savitar like he's written in the comics. Savitar is a religious zealot who has studied every tome there is concerning speed and the speedforce. He believes himself to be a high priest of speed. Zoom, as written on this show, is just crazy. He has no real motive other than crazy.

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