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Comic Review: Endigo Society Mini Issue #0

Writer: Norwick Robinson
Artist: Joshua Rose
Publisher: Independent
Release Date: Unknown

Endigo Society is a new comic series that focuses on the Endigo Society. People have always searched for answers to things that seem super natural as it is something that causes the mind to wander. Yet, answers are never found and as time goes on these events seem to occur far less frequently. While the events are less common they are still happening and now is the time for them to return to the center stage of the world. How will that happen? The Endigo Society. The Endigo Society is "a group of individuals destined to revive the supernatural to the world."

The story seems to follow Odyessey although she shares an equal amount of time with her younger brother. The series opens with their usual morning, breakfast with their grandfather, then an argument about who he will spar with before leaving for school. On the way to school Odyessey remembers there will be a new student. Once she arrives at school it's seen that a strange person is watching her go about her day.

The strong point of the issue the art without a doubt. It's smooth, crisp and detailed. On page three you can see every wrinkle on the grandfather's face and the texture on each and every one of his dread locks. The backgrounds are unique in the sense that many look as if they were done with watercolors of varying shades of grey. In the short issue it's extreamly consistent but I'm not sure if this amount of quality would be sustainable in a longer series without lengthy delays. But, if longer issues can be done with this quality of art it would be nothing less than amazing.

The story actually seemed like a weak point. There's not much going on but the average morning. There's nothing truly exciting that grabs you and pulls you in. A full issue may have been a better introduction to the comic for readers. Reading about breakfast and a trip to school just isn't exciting. There also isn't much personality shown for Odyessey who is the main character. There's eight pages in this issue. I say that because on pages six and seven the line "I'm taking a shortcut to school today" is repeated for no real reason other than what seems to be stretching the story. Maybe in the future the story picks up but for an issue that should be trying to hook readers, there's a lot of nothing going on. It's not exciting and even the one panel on the last page that hints there is something major going on isn't enough to grab my interest.

In fact the whole thing seems as if it was written as an anime due to a number of anime tropes being present. There's the grandfather who is a martial arts master and wears robes everywhere. On page seven Sabali does the thing where he shows so much emotion the background shifts. There's the trope of a new student meaning serious business is afoot. Maybe the story would be served as an anime.

In the end I'm not really sure what to think of Endigo Society. It's beautiful, that's for sure. The story really seems boring and not written for a comic book. However, there's obviously more to the story hinted at with the last panel. I just don't think it's enough to grab my interest. That's not to say it won't be a big hit with other people. Maybe someone who really loves anime and is looking to get into comic books, but for me I just need more.

You can hear Darrell on the CP Time and Powerbomb Jutsu podcasts. He also plays classic arcade games on The Cabinet
Darrell S.

Hey, I write stuff, a lot of different stuff, that's all.


  1. I want to but I'll wait until there are more Issues out

  2. i read it and it was good.

  3. The third issue was exciting. It did start off slow though.

  4. Absolutely Cant wait for more issues to come out. This has me excited about reading Comic Books again.

    1. I Agree. Did you check out his philosophical series. He put up one page skits on facebook.

  5. here is the link.

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