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I'm Sick Of You: You Can't Say That

The internet is a vast place filled with people from all around the world. In this day and age it is the core to almost everything. It is also one of the most horrible places to be. People like to be their selves and be funny on the internet. That's fine. But there are people who take things to seriously or are idiots.

People say what they want whether its in person or on the Internet. I for one don't use derogatory terms unless I'm mad but at the same time I don't like to be told not to say those words. I've been to not to say faggot and retarded because it can hurt others. "I don't like those words, please don't say them in front of me". I can say whatever the hell I want. Whether I offend you or not is not my problem. I'm black, I have been called a nigger. I'm fat. I've been called all kinds of names. This doesn't excuse me for being an asshole like everyone else, but I they can say fatty and nigger and not be told off, I'm gonna say retard and faggot.

People can what ever the hell they want. The n word is illegal for white people to say it so we're throwing that argument out for another time. Faggot it not illegal. I'll say it all I want. Retard is not illegal, I'll say it all I want. The other day I was on Twitter, a guy said Tranny and some female said that you can't say that. You shouldn't use that word. A tranny is a transvestite. Its sort of a nickname or shortened name for them. I have seen Transvestites and they have never been mad over the word. How could someone who isn't one call shots for them. Shut the hell up. Whether its bad or not, he can call them that all day long.

These words tranny, retard, faggot are just names that people call each other to hurt one another. Just like stupid, dumb, and fat. There's is no big a difference. For those of you who tell people what they can and can not say, look in the mirror. You probably just called someone stupid before you corrected that guy on calling that person a tranny. Maybe being stupid is that person's lifestyle. You never know so shut up. I'm Sick Of You people who tell other what to say.

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