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Magneto Was Right: And 4 Other Times The Villain Was Right

Just because a character is displayed as the antagonist of the story doesn't mean they're a bad guy. Sometimes the villains isn't wrong. Sometimes they have a logical point and just go about it the wrong way. Other times they try to go about it the right way and someone screws them over. Then they end up being presented as the villain. Regardless of how it happens, sometimes the villain is right.

1. Magneto: Magneto is a holocaust survivor so he witnessed first hand the atrocities that men can perform. Because of this Magneto believes that it's impossible for humans and mutants to coexist because eventually humans will attempt to wipe out mutants. Meanwhile Charles Xavier is running around gently saying "No, look peace, it's working. Look at the X-Men, they're heroes." All the while he's fighting anti-mutant terrorist and government groups. Steadily more and more X-Men start dying and people still look at Magneto like the bad guy. Magneto didn't want to kill every human. He wanted mutants to be safe from persecution. The the Genocide of Genosha happened and everyone says "Hmm, maybe Magneto had a point." It's not even like he was running around snatching candy from babies just to be evil. Magneto was right. Face it.

2. Megatron: A slave and gladiator. That's how Megatron began life and because of Cybertron's caste system there was no way for him to work his way up. Instead he started inspiring other slaves, gladiators, surfs etc. that they could rise up. That's when his movement started making it's way to the middle class. In the middle class he met Optimus. Optimus helped him gain even more steam for his movement and they became best friends. Terrorist attacks by people who sympathized with Megatron began happening. Megatron had nothing to do with these and tried to stop them. Optimus and Megatron where called to a council of Primes who were basically greedy kings who lorded over everyone else. They recognized Megatron's struggle but didn't want a revolution. They basically wanted to keep everything the way it was. They then ignored Megatron and asked Optimus if he wanted to be a prime like them. He said yes and Megatron wished the building would fall and kill them all. Of course the terrorist that sympathized with him yelled "We can make that happen." The surviving primes were locked in a civil war with the decepticons. Eventually Cybertron was depleted and the autobots fled to Earth. Megatron followed and decided to make Earth the new home for his people. Now, you could say terraforming Earth and pushing out humans is wrong but we do that all the time. We build cities and destroy forest directly and indirectly killing countless forest animals and driving hundreds to extinction. Megatron is just a slave trying to do right by his people. Don't let Michael Bay fool you.

3. Skellator: They say Skellator wants to take over the world. But, he doesn't. He just wants what is rightfully his. Seeking the secrets of Castle Grayskull is a hobby. He doesn't even like Castle Grayskull. Skellator's real name is Prince Keldor. He's King Randor's big brother. The throne is rightfully his. Instead of the throne he got exiled. Why did he get exiled? Well their father King Milos had sex with a Gar woman. The Gar are a race of blue skinned people. Despite having sex with a Gar woman he's still a racist. He banished his own son because he had blue skin. "Oh but he was a bastard child he can't be king." This isn't Game of Thrones. Randor is a bastard child too. While he's exiled he almost dies then gets forcefully merged with a demo-man which is why he lost his face. Eventually he overcomes all of this crap and finds a loyal group of friends that want to help him claim the title of king that is actually his. Skellator was sent to die because his dad is a racist that likes to sleep with women of other races. Then his brother yelled "No take bakes you dirty blue get out of here or I'll get my son with the magic sword." Skellator is the good guy, Miro is the real villain, Randor and He-Man are just cogs in a decades old racist machine. Now ask yourself why Prince Adam looks like a Nazi's wet dream.

4. Wicked Witch of The West: If some random person shows up and crushes your only sibling under a house, you'd be mad. But, she wasn't. All she wanted were the shoes to remember her sister by. Dorthy says no and then proceeds to sing no less than 5 cheerful songs. It's like Dorthy was celebrating the murder of her sister. The "Wicked" Witch of The West just wanted a family heirloom. Dorthy committed manslaughter if not murder. Then she gets off with a nice song. Then she kills The "Wicked" Witch of The West too. Dorthy is a criminal, she stole the shoes and murdered two women and sang about it. No wonder she landed in a mental asylum.

5. William Atherton: I know what you're thinking. The Ghostbuster were protecting the city from ghost. Old William Atherton was just a stick in the mud. NO. He was right. They have a nuclear weapon in the middle of the city. If one thing goes wrong there goes the eastern side edge of the country. Why would you think that's okay? Find another way besides letting some random team stroll around with a nuke. What if someone finds that and uses it for evil. Atherton was right, I wouldn't want some "Ghostbusters" running around with a nuke in my city. Screw that. William Atherton should have run for president.

You can hear Darrell on the CP Time and Powerbomb Jutsu podcasts. He also plays classic arcade games on The Cabinet
Darrell S.

Hey, I write stuff, a lot of different stuff, that's all.

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