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IDFWU: AniTwitter Part 2 - Tai doesn’t go with the AniTwitter flow

1% not 99%

Read part 1

Once I started to gain more AniTwitter followers I would start to see more arguments between other people over anime. I’m not going to lie; I was in a few arguments myself. People started to discredit other people due to their opinions on certain anime. Now I find nothing wrong with disagreeing about things of any nature but when you start to discredit people due to their opinions then that’s when it becomes a problem.

What do I mean by discredit? Check out this example.

This is unnecessary, just because someone has a different opinion than you, you call their opinion trash? Damn people can’t even say something without getting their opinion discredited. What ever happened to agreeing to disagree? The sad thing is this is starting to become too common in AniTwitter. You can’t even have an opinion on anime without someone resorting to name calling. I’m not going to call you a faggot or tell you to kill yourself (I have seen people tweet stuff like that before, couldn’t find any recent tweets to prove my last statement -_-) or tell you your opinion is trash and tell you to deactivate because you don’t like what I like or because I don’t like your opinion.

I have no problem if you call a certain anime trash; I have a problem if you discredit my opinion though. I don’t care for some peoples opinions on a lot of things but I’m not going to say fuck you and your opinion (unless they’re a racist or if the person really doesn’t know what they’re talking about). Man that last part of my statement sounds hypocritical, but you’ll know when it is appropriate to discredit someone’s opinion depending on the circumstance.

Another thing I hate is how a lot people in AniTwitter talk about the same shit. So many people constantly talk about how much they think a certain series is awful or talk about how great a certain series is ALL THE DAMN TIME! Look I don’t like Bleach but you won’t see me always tweeting about how bad Bleach is and you won’t always see me tweeting about how great Hunter X Hunter is (I think Hunter X Hunter is amazing by the way). If you guys hate Naruto, Fairy Tail, and Dragon Ball Z so much why do you continue to talk about the series (best examples I can think of right now)? How about you guys stop talking about a series that you claim to hate so much, you probably like a series that you pretend to hate but are worried about what others will think of you if you like a certain series, so you continue to hate a series that you secretly like.

A lot of you guys sound like a broken record to be honest and then you add a new series that you watch to this annoying love/hate cycle that you always have to mention. Can’t you guys just switch it up a little bit when you talk about anime please? Talk about new and old anime/manga in general and converse with your fellow AniTwitter peeps and keep your conversations new and refreshing not old and stale.

Finally, I know that there are some people who don’t even want to talk about anime anymore because they feel as though they would get ridiculed for liking a series that a lot of people may think is “trash” or change their opinions because they want to fit in with the 99% of AniTwitter. As soon as people began to act close minded when it came to peoples different opinions on anime and manga is when I really stopped fucking with AniTwitter. Call me soft man but I don’t really care, IDFWU if you’re one of these types of people in AniTwitter.

P.S a few tweets that I agree with Ro doesn’t  "go with the AniTwitter flow". Be the 1%!

You can hear Taiwan weekly on the Powerbomb Jutsu podcast.
Darrell S.

Hey, I write stuff, a lot of different stuff, that's all.

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