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Tony Stark is Trash

Tony Stark grew up as a genius and he was kind of annoying. He found people who weren't smart enough to hang around with him and found them useless. Instead he started working on machines because they made better friends. That's right, he made his friends. After his parents died Tony inherited Stark Industries from them. The company was the number one weapons supplier in the world. Tony was kidnapped by the warlord Wong-Chu alongside a nobel prize winner Yin Sin. Tony almost died because shrapnel was reaching his heart but Yin Sin saved him with an arc reactor. The terrorists were using weapons from Tony's company and he was disgusted. They forced him to build weapons for them. Instead he built the first iron man suit and attacked them. Yin Sin died because Tony is selfish. After Tony escaped he decided to become a hero, kind of. By now you should know how this goes. 20 reasons why Tony Stark is a garbage excuse for a hero.

  1.  He's an alchoholic 
  2. He has a God Complex
  3. James Rhodes is always there to help him, but he's never there to help James
  4. Doesn't want to be a hero, just likes the fame
  5. Always needs to be the center of attention
  6. Have you read Civil War?
  7. Has to argue with the leader if he isn't. Probably fought over line leader in school.
  8. Seriously, have you read Civil War
  9. He's not even Ironman half the time. He controls the suit via remote or A.I. some hero
  10. The Extremis App just made poor people poorer
  11. The Extremis App is crack to rich people. First one is free, then pay with your money or life
  12. He has a personal bio weapon
  13. He used civilians as shields
  14. He just throws money at problems and hopes it works
  15. He's not as smart as he thinks he is, why else would Black Panther keep beating him down
  16. Stilt-Man isn't just a stupid Daredevil villain. He's an Ironman villain too
  17. "I wish terrorist wouldn't use my weapons....but I need more money"
  18. He never even visits his brother Arno Stark
  19. Have you seen the way he treats Pepper Pots
  20. Jarvis is an A.I. in the movies. In the comics Jarvis is a butler he treats like crap
You can hear Darrell on the CP Time and Powerbomb Jutsu podcasts. He also plays classic arcade games on The Cabinet
Darrell S.

Hey, I write stuff, a lot of different stuff, that's all.


  1. I have not read "Civil War," or any actual Marvel comic for quite some time. Fill me in? Because frankly, a lot of those flaws you list are why I liked him. That and Ghostface Killa ;)

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