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Black Superhero: President Superman

President Superman: Calvin Ellis

That black skin comes in handy absorbing yellow sunlight faster and somehow making him invulnerable to Kryptonite. That kryptonite science doesn't make sense to me but I'll take it. The back story to Calvin Ellis is basically the same as it is for Superman. The difference here is that he was born on island on the planet Krypton.

That island was home to dark skinned Kryptonians. This might explain my racist Superman theory. They keep their dark skinned Kryptonians on an island. It's inbred hatred Clark. Anyway, once Calvin got to Earth he was similarly raised by a family that took him in. He however decided that instead of becoming a lowly reporter, he would become President of The United States.

Calvin lives on Earth 23. One of DC's many many Earths. On one occasion he runs across survivors who are running from an alternate Superman. This alternate Superman is evil and Calvin steps in to take him on. In doing so he got his Earth's version of Lex Luthor to help him out because they're friends?

Calvin is able to beat this alternate Superman because Calvin doesn't have a weakness to Kryptonite. It has no effect on him whatsoever. He also absorbs the light from a yellow sun much faster than other versions of Superman due to the melanin in his skin.

President Superman was actually inspired by President Obama. Nobody has denied that. This has opened up interesting stories for Calvin. In one instance he flies into the country of Bialia and destroys all of their nuclear facilities as well as weapons. Then he flies out and invites them to join the United Nations.

Powers and Abilities
  • Superhuman strength
  • Superhuman speed
  • Superhuman vision (including X-ray, microscopic, telescopic, and infrared)
  • Superhuman hearing
  • Invulnerability
  • Heat vision
  • Flight
  • Super breath
  • Leader of the free world
    • Can turn Atlanta to Havana 
You can hear Darrell on the CP Time and Powerbomb Jutsu podcasts. He also plays classic arcade games on The Cabinet

Darrell S.

Hey, I write stuff, a lot of different stuff, that's all.

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